Designed for those individuals who are ready to work but need help with resume development, interviewing skills and finding jobs. This service is available to veterans, those with disabilities, and individuals with other life barriers.
Employment Services
Supported Employment
Supported Employment services are ongoing supports that enable participants for whom competitive employment at or above minimum wage is unlikely, absent the provision of supports, and who, because of their disabilities, need supports to perform in a regular work setting. Participants who receive Supported Employment services must require long-term, direct or indirect job-related support in job supervision, adapting equipment, adapting behaviors, transportation assistance, peer support, and/or personal care assistance during the work day. Supported Employment services consist of activities needed to obtain and sustain paid work by participants, including job location, job development, supervision, and training.
On The Job Training
Participants in our On The Job program have the opportunity to learn a specific set of skills while actively working at an employer. This is a paid program for individuals who are looking to grow in their professional soft skills, work readiness, and interpersonal skills.